Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bite me, Cupid.

I hate St Valentines day.

I hate the fact that our society has deemed an emotion as a commercial commodity and makes those of us not paired even more painfully aware of our single-dom.

I hate the fact that there is so much pressures on people to base their live for another on how much they spend.

I hate the fact that an ex boyfriend decided he didnt have the heart to break up with me BEFORE February 14 and essentially gave me a Valentines day out of pity (he broke up with me on the 15th).

I hate the fact that I miss TheSoldier more and more on this day....and that I've found myself in those rare free moments thinking about October.

The 14th is awful for me...

My loneliness becomes more acute...more intense...all I see is the world paired off in cozy I shuffle along as a broken wheel.


My goal is to finally put these ghosts to seal off that part of me and finally allow another to enter my world.

Its gonna be hard but...

.....its gotta be done.

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